Turnbull China Bikeride
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Help for !ProjMan Version 1.03
Author : Neil Vickers (Mindwarp).
Written : 13th August, 1991.
Last modified : 22nd October, 1991.
Files included in this application :-
!Boot (Inoculated against the extend virus)
N.B. - You will need the shared C library version 3.66 or greater to run
---- this software.
Using the Project Manager
This software was written to automate the setting up of a working
environment suitable for writing software in the C programming language
(although it can quite easily be used to set up environments for any sort
of work). By selecting a project from the startup window, the program will
automatically change mode, open a directory, and run any applications
requested, thus leaving you in the desired desktop setup for your work.
There will now follow a functional breakdown of the project manager :-
1) Creating a working environment
When initially started, the project manager should be completely empty
(if it isn't, then the chances are that the person you got the copy off of
used the software, and so the program still has his setup installed. If this
is the case, then just select the 'Clear' option from the window menu, and
the project managers database will be wiped clean).
By moving the mouse pointer over the ten empty slots in the main window,
it can be seen that the slots are highlighted in orange. Pressing the
MENU button over a slot when it is highlighted causes a menu for that slot
to be created. To create a new working environment, select the 'Enter'
option from the main window menu (if the enter icon is shaded, then either
the project slot is already used or the mouse wasn't over a project slot
when the MENU button was pressed).
At this point you should be faced with the project entry window. This
window will allow you to specify the working environment for that project,
and consists of four groups of information :-
i ) Mode - This is simply the mode that the WIMP system will
change to when the project environment is created.
It can be entered by either typing into the icon
containing the mode number, or by using the left and
right arrows to decrement or increment the current
mode number respectively.
ii ) Title - This is the text string that will appear in the
project slot in the main window of the project
manager. It is entered by typing the title into the
icon supplied.
iii) Directory - This is the directory that will be opened and
changed to when the project environment is created.
By dropping a directory into the box provided, that
directory will be entered into the project manager
database. If a file is dropped into the box, then
the directory that the file is from will be entered
into the database. Clicking SELECT on this icon will
have the effect of opening and changing to any
directory contained within it. Clicking ADJUST will
clear the directory stored in the box.
iv ) Applications - The five boxes in the applications section are there
to have applications (actually any executable files
e.g. Obey, Sprite, Text, Templates as well as
true applications) dropped into them. When the
project environment is created these applications
will be executed in the order of left to right. If
the application box has a Text file in it, !Edit will
run and automatically run and load the specified text
file (similarly a sprite file will run !Paint etc.).
Clicking SELECT on any of the application boxes will
run the application stored in it (if there is one).
Clicking ADJUST on a box will clear any application
stored inside it.
After entering all of the above information, click on the OK button to
enter it into the project manager's database (click the Cancel button if you
do not wish the information to be entered).
2) Editing a previously entered environment
This is simply done by clicking the MENU button over the slot containing
the project environment you wish to edit, and selecting the 'Edit' option
from the main window menu. A window identical to the environment entry
window will appear with the environment information already present in it.
By changing this information, then clicking SELECT on the OK button, the
environment details may be edited.
3) Starting the project timer
By opening the main window fully, it can be seen that each project slot
has associated with it a 'Start date', a 'Finish date' and a 'Duration' box.
When you start work on a project, click the MENU button over the project slot
in the main window and select the 'Start' option. This will start the
automatic project timer (as will be seen by the current date being inserted
into the 'Start date' box). Note that you cannot re-start the timer on a
project which has been completed (i.e. finished).
4) Stopping the project timer
Click the MENU button over the project slot in the main window and select
the 'Finish' option. This will stop the automatic project timer running for
that project (as will be seen by the current date being inserted into the
'Finish date' box and the duration box having an entry placed in it). This
facility is an added extra to the Project Management system, and will provide
the user with a record of how many hours elapsed between the start of the
project and it's completion. Note that you cannot stop a project timer
unless it has been previously started.
5) Deleting a project environment
Simply press the MENU button over a project slot and select the 'Delete'
6) Clearing the database
Press the MENU button over the main window, and select the 'Clear'
7) Executing an environment
Move the mouse pointer so that it is pointing at the required project
slot in the main window (the slot will be highlighted orange) and click the
SELECT button. The environment will then be created.
As always with the smaller applications, the best way to learn how to use
them is to fall back on the 'suck it and see' principle. The program has
been written so that it uses Acorns '!Help' application to the full, and so
should be relatively easy to use.
I hope that you will find this program of use.
Application history
1.00 Fully operating version. 13th August, 1991.
1.01 Project timer installed. 17th August, 1991.
1.02 '!Help' support added. 18th August, 1991.
1.03 Program crashes if the ColourTrans module
isn't installed (many thanx to MUFTI for
pointing this out!). This bug has been
corrected. Also, the program now needs
20k less to execute. 22nd October, 1991.
Other titles by the author
!Multi-acc (1.20) Recursive file access.
!Encoder (1.20) Simple file encoder.
!Decoder (1.20) File decoder for above application.
VNR Ray Tracer (1.00) Ray Tracer (Co-author Jason Reading).
Currently under development :
!MultiUtil All you would ever want from a file utility.
!LogBook Keep track of time spent working on projects.
TabModule A module to give the Archimedes proper TAB's.
!TrashCan An intelligent dustbin. (Currently available,
but written in C. I'm re-writing it in machine
code to make the application smaller. If
anyone wants the C version, mail me.)
Conditions of Use (for what they're worth)
i ) This application is supplied free for general use "as is", so I cannot
guarantee that it is free from bugs or give any warranty about its
suitability for use (If you notify me of any problems, I'll see what I
can do).
ii ) You have my permission to give this program to anyone you please via
any medium, provided it is delivered with ALL the original files.
iii) I expressly forbid anybody to supply this program on a disc which
is being charged for (If you bought this program then please contact
me immediately).
iv ) If you want to sell this program, or any part of this program then my
acceptance must be sought in writing.
v ) I maintain copyright on all the material supplied with this program
and reserve the right to change these conditions in cases where I
deem misuse.
vi ) I reserve copyright on all parts of this application.
How to contact me
To contact me about bugs or suggested improvements to this piece of
software, please use the E-mail address if you can, as I will be able to
respond to your comments quicker. For information about this or any other
programs that I have written, or just for a chat about computing in general,
use the address given below (or E-mail if you wish).
Snail mail : E-mail :
Neil Vickers, mindwarp@dcs.qmw.ac.uk
222 Perry Street,
Essex, CM12 ONZ.
© Mindwarp Enterprises, 1991.
P.S. - I know that this application doesn't conform to Acorn's RISC-OS
---- style guide, but I think that it looks pretty, so there! :->